Saturday, April 7, 2007

"Dark Tower", Hooper -- timeline

There's a whole website attacking Hooper; so far I've seen a few people asking if there's a site defending him, but none reported. So here are a few notes, ammunition, for the defense (or at least for civil discussion of some of the issues).

Standing way back and looking at the shape of the forest, a VERY SIMPLE defense timeline might be helpful (if I had time to look up the dates).

-- charges made
-- petition to look into the charges
-- looked into by Doug Gresham and the estate
-- looked into by publisher
-- looked into by __?
-- examined for forgery etc
-- Fowler's evidence, some other ms of the same group proved genuine
-- present: Hooper retains his job; the book is still in print (unchanged?
after how many editions?)

At this date, it wouldn't be just an accusation against Hooper, but against
Doug and everyone else who has looked into it.

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